Simplicity > Sewing Tutorials > How-to Sew: Stay Stitch
How-To Sew
Stay Stitches
Stay stitching is used around necklines and curves to help keep those areas intact when constructing a garment. A stay stitch also acts as a guide when placing snips along a curve because it prevents you from snipping too close to the seam. Be sure to follow the direction of the arrows on your pattern instructions.
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Tips to Remember
- Stay stitching stays in permanentlyto prevent stretching on curved edges.
- Some patterns have different seam allowances for stay stitching, so be sure to look at your pattern instructions to make sure if its at 1/4" or 1/2" seam allowance before stitching.
- For 5/8" (1.5cm) seam allowances, stitch ½" (1.3cm) from cut edge in direction of arrows.
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